Hi, this is Justin Simpson outreaching to all my fellow
relatives around the world. I decided on my 27th Birthday, which was yesterday
the 28th of February, 2002, to begin a family tree.
Right now, it's just
a work in progress, and I have only listed the immediate family whose full names
I know. If you would like to update information about you, or any significant
other, please email the information (ie. Birthdates/places, Occupations, Addresses,
Emails, etc.). Hopefully, this can be something that we can all share for years
to come. .
Well, without further ado, have a look around and see what
information I have for all the relatives out there. Please send emails with any
updated or new information to: justin@hikanoo.com
Right now I decided to use a Domain Name which I had previously registered and
not used. I will register a different domain name down the road and switch these
pages to the new address.
I want to pay tribute
to dear old Grandpa Das who passed away earlier this month. Look for me to set-up
additional photos of him in the weeks to come. I also wrote A Tribute
to Das, which was read by Mike Simpson at his Eulogy.
BTW, I got around
to registering a new domain name for the family tree - www.trade-research.com just didn't cut it. As you can see, the new domain is: www.simpsonfamilytree.com.
FYI, when I tried to register this domain earlier this year, it was taken, so
when I found it available, I jumped all over it. Never a bad idea to double check whether your domain may be available???
Ryan Simpson turns 30 today......Happy 30th Bro!
Wishes and Happy Birthday to one of my best friends, Scott McCain. In lieu of
his 28th birthday, I set up a page on our site to showcase some of Scott
McCain's Collective Works (he's a writer!).
James Young Simpson: I'm named after him, so I did some research. Here are
two good links which explains who he is and why he was knighted: www.whonamedit.com and www.geo.ed.ac.uk
a quick quote from him I was especially fond of:
you follow these the noble objects of your profession in a proper spirit of love
and kindness to your race, the pure light of benevolence will shed around the
path of your toils and labours a brightness and beauty, that will faithfully cheer
you onwards, and keep your steps from being weary in well doing while,
if you practice the art that you profess with a cold-hearted view to its results
merely as a matter of lucre and trade, your course will be as dark and miserable
as that low and groveling love that dictates it."
Physicians and Physic,
Chapter I
Here's a cool link on the origin of the simpson
family name, although I'm not sure how accurate it is.
Well, it's been a while since I made a post, so I decided for what better
way then to wish the South African Springboks good luck in this years Quarterfinal
Match against the dreaded All Blacks on Saturday. I have also posted some pictures
I found on the web which I thought personified South
Africa's fighting spirit.

Update: Not much new on this front. Have been working on the Zone
Cafe project with a good team, including my Dad, Graham, in an attempt to
bring Dr. Sears insulin controlled eating regimen to the masses through a quick,
affordable, and casual restaurant. I am also preparing to fly back to good old
South Africa to visit the family next month, which will luckily include four birthday
parties, including my Grandma Natalie and Uncles' Gordon and Richard (who I just
saw in San Juan Capistrano w/ the Scalzo Family).
Please don't hesitate
to email me any info concerning the Simpson Schilling and Osterloh Families at justin@hikanoo.com.
Just returned from a trip abroad where I visited South Africa, London and
Switzerland. I'll begin posting images here of
my trip.
Happy New Year to all. Wanted to let all
the relatives know we now have a place to stay in Cabos
San Lucas. My dad partnered with a friend and now owns the Cabo
San Lucas Inn. Also, check out Tortuga
Del Sol if you're interested in owning land in Cabo. It is really starting
to boom down there-just ask Ryan who now lives near Todos Santos.
On another
note, I wanted to post a little information I discovered from the Simpson Side.
I was told we are descendants of Clan
Fraser, and have scanned an interesting segment from Iain Zaczeks' Clans and
Tartans of Scotland. The scan also includes images of the Tartans
of Clan Fraser.
Lastly, I wanted to pay tribute to dear old Myth, daughter
of Magic, two great Golden
Retrievers we had over the years.
Sadly, it has come
to my attention today that my Godmother Annemarie Schilling's partner, Erwin
Emil Stahel, passed away on the 31st of August, 2005. Erwin was a renowned
accordion player in Switzerland. To here a clip of one of Erwin's most famous
Songs, Fitness, Click
Here. All my love and sincere regards to Annemarie for her loss--I take solace
knowing Erwin is smiling at her from Heaven.
a quick update to the site informing everyone with the status of the Simpson and
Schilling Family tree. While there are no new additions to the tree, I am happy
to see there has been no need to fill out any DD's on the site since everyone
is alive and well.
Also wanted to update a shot of my two favorite Grannies
who are doing very well in Johannesburg. All my love to the two of you.

Once again, a long overdue update to the simpson family tree website. A friend and I recently went to Europe for a trip, where we happened to visit Scotland. We went to the Royal Infirmary where they renamed the gyne ward: The Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health. There is a portrait of him (see
pics) in the ward and a statue that one of the mid wives showed me while very
giddy (to meet a distant relative!) We then proceeded to visit the original buildings
where Sir James practiced. The original is unfortunately about to be demolished,
but the second ward where he practiced is still open and funny enough is now a
Best Western Hotel. There is an area dedicated to Sir James in the hotel, including
'Simpson's Bar.' This is now the second bar dedicated to the Simpsons, since my
Grandpa Das is commemorated at the Inada Club in South Africa with his own 'Simpson's
Bar.' Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the graveyard where I hear there is
a statue of him--Perhaps next time in Edinburgh. The photo
gallery of Sir James is located towards the bottom.
four years later and this time the Springboks prove triumphant in their quest
for a second World Cup victory. Nicely done against England, South Africa has
done it again. Go BOKS!!!!!
I wanted to pass along my respect to everyone
that new Mary Young (nee Simpson), who passed away on the 28th of December, 2007
at the ripe old age of 104. Mary was my father Graham's Great Aunt. She wrote
a fascinating book about the Simpson and Young Families several years ago named,
"Come With Me" (Sunbird Publications, 1996). If you're interested in
the book, I've scanned an image of it here: Come
With Me. Here's a video at
age 104 of Mary.
Once again it's time for a long overdue update on the Simpson, Schilling and Osterloh family tree. As a reminder, the current site only lists my direct relatives, most of which live in South Africa, however in the future (when I have time) I will see if I can extend the tree to the vast places on Earth I know we have relations (England, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Switzerland, etc).. Speaking of South Africa, my mom, two brothers and myself visited our homeland last Sept./Oct.. The main reason for the visit was my Granny Natalie Schilling's 90th Birthday Party, but we also had the pleasure to visit my other granny, Olive (Gaga) Simpson, Mike Simpson and family in Cape Town, as well as my Mom's twin sister Monica Osterloh and brother Richard Schilling and families. I will try post images of our trip for all to share when time permits, although I've added a shot of my Granny's 90th to the site for now.
On a sad note, June Houghton (nee Simpson), my Grandpa Das's only sibling passed away last year. She fell ill on a cruise ship through the Mediterranean, and passed away near Malta during the trip. I can't think of a better way to pass, but want to pass on my condolences to all her living relatives, most of which live in Das's birth county of England.
Finally, I will try set up a blog for the Simpson Family Tree Site, where others can contribute concerning the tree. Will work on this in 09' so all can share.
Well, I've been dragging my feet for quite some time posting this entry, since it has been a difficult time for the Simpson, Schilling and Osterloh families. This past summer saw the departure of my last two Grannies, Natalie Schilling and Olive Simpson. I flew back to South Africa to join my Mom and other family members after Granny Natalie's death. A few days before I was to leave, on July 4th no less, my other Granny, Olive "Gaga" Simpson passed away as well. It was so difficult to say goodbye to two very influential Ladies in all our lives, but everything good must come to an end sooner or later. I am comforted in the fact, that both have been reunited with the men in their lives', Fritchof Schilling and Das Simpson. I'd like to briefly pay tribute to both of these amazing women:
Granny Natalie - Granny was truly the family matriarch who touched so many lives for so long a time. Whenever my family flew back to South Africa, everything always seemed to revolve around this very special person. We all learned so very much from her and not enough adjectives can be used to describe how great a person she really was. I tried to compose something for her funeral, but no one page can truly describe the gifts she imparted on all who knew her.
Gaga - Gaga and Das would travel to the United States yearly to visit my family. This enabled my brothers and I to really get a chance to know and experience my heritage first hand through my father's side of the family. While those days are now only memories, they will never leave us. Gaga's health slowly declined after Das passed, so in some respects I feel she is now in a better place, once again feeling healthy in body, mind and spirit.
As typical, it's been a while since I posted on the Family Tree. There has been some good and bad with regards to the tree the past few years. Unfortunately, the family lost a truly magnanimous person when Gordon "The Big O" Osterloh passed away this last December. I have very fond memories of Uncle Gordon since I was a little boy - I even remember when he gave me a pair of boxing gloves when I was 4 or 5 years old. Boxing gloves are a good representation of Gordon - he was tough as nails, but lived by a creed that would make one jealous; he was a true inspiration to the anti-Apartheid struggles, and was a gentlemen in every sense of the way. His children, Monica and family delivered such a heartfelt funeral service there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Gordon, you will be missed, but never forgotten. The good thing is Gordon left one daughter and four gentlemen, like himself, who will carry the Osterloh torch into the future.
On a brighter side, I would like to welcome four new additions the Simpson Family Tree; in fact, they carry with them two new family Surnames as both Carla and Andrea Schilling were married in the past two years. Welcome, Grant Tate and Richie Anderson to this amazing family. And Grant and Richie didn’t waste any time bringing the first grand children to the Schilling side of the family. Zoë Tate and Matthew Richard Anderson were welcomed to the world in 2014 and I for one can't wait to meet them. Congratulations.